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Summer Term

W/C 15.4- tested 19.4

Rules: words that have and added ’s’

1. attempts    4. structures   7. castles           10.pieces

2. carriages   5. visitors        8. foundations

3. stripes       6. engines        9. creatures


WC 22/4- tested on 26/4

Rule: words that have ‘ing’ at the end

1. according       4. fighting              7. resting          10. spreading

2. building          5. interesting         8. gleaming

3. climbing         6. extinguishing      9. sprawling


WC 29/4-tested on 3/5

Rule: verbs with added ‘ed’.

1. absorbed            4. echoed       7. stretched          10. uncoiled

2. delivered           5. rehearsed    8. transformed

3. disappeared       6. remained     9. transported

W/C 6/5-tested on 10/5

Rule: words that change ‘y’ to an ‘ies’

1. bodies          4. cherries       7. babies                 10. ladies

2. cities           5. bunnies         8. countries

3. families       6. jellies           9. dormitories




