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Autumn Term

Autumn Term 1


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 09.09.2024

Our Spelling rule is: The suffix ous

The children will be tested on Friday 13th September.

1. poisonous           4.  hideous         7.  previous

2. ridiculous          5.  humorous     

3. tremendous       6. glamorous     



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 16.9.2024

Our Spelling rule is: The suffix ous

The children will be tested on Friday 20th September.

1. obvious           4.  various       7.  dangerous  

2. nervous          5.  serious      

3. famous           6. enormous   



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 23.09.2024

Spelling rule : The prefixes in and un— can mean ‘not’

The children will be tested on Friday 27th September.

1. undone             4.  unacceptable        

2. unable              5. independent          7.  unknown

3. inability           6.  indecisive          



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 30.09.2024

The children will be tested on Friday 4th October.



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 16.10.2023

 The children will be tested on Friday 20th October.

1.  rough                4. thumb                   7. disagree

2. receive              5. practice                8.possibly

3. surprise             6. possible  



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 7.10.2024

Spelling rule : The prefixes il, im and ir — can mean ‘not’

The children will be tested on Friday 11th October.

1. immature          4.  irreplaceable      7.  illogical

2. impossible        5.  irrelevant

3. imperfect         6.  illegal



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 14.10.2024

Spellings from Year 4 National Curriculum word list.

The children will be tested on Friday 18th October.

1.  rough                4. thumb                   7. disagree

2. receive              5. practice                8.possibly

3. surprise             6. possible               



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 21.10.2024

Spelling rule : The suffix -ation is added to verbs to form nouns.

The children will be tested on Friday 25th October.

1. information        4. decoration      7.  registration

2. sensation           5. station           

3. preparation        6. population      



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 04.11.2024

Spelling rule : More words with the suffix -ation which is added to verbs to form nouns.

The children will be tested on Friday 8th November.

1.  donation          4. communication       7.  accusation

2. duration           5. relation          

3. vibration          6.  multiplication    



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 11.11.2024

Spelling rule : Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc (Latin in origin).

The children will be tested on Friday 15th November.

1. scene               4. science            7.  discipline   

2. scissors           5. fascinate           

3. muscle             6. scenery              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 18.11.2024

Spelling rule: Words with a hard /k/ sound spelt ch (Greek in origin) 

The children will be tested on Friday 22nd November.

1. stomach               4. Christmas           7. ache

2. chorus                 5. character          

3. technology           6.  anchor              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 25.11.2024

Spelling rule: Words that end in -sion sound like


  Children will be tested on Friday 29th November.

1.  division            4.  decision          7.  occasion

2.  invasion            5. explosion        

3. confusion          6. television      



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 02.12.2024 

Spelling rule: Words that end in –ture and –sure.

Children will be tested on Friday 6th December.


1.  measure            4.  mixture            7.  departure

2. treasure            5.  adventure        

3. pleasure            6. furniture          



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 09.12.2024 

Spelling rule: Revision of this term’s spelling rules.

Children will be tested on Friday 13th December.


1.  division            4.  mixture             7.  possibly

2. stomach            5.  scissors        

3. pleasure            6.  communication        









Autumn Term 2


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 6.11.2023

 Spelling rule : More words with the suffix -ation which is added to verbs to form nouns.

                                       The children will be tested on Friday 10th November.

                            1.  donation          4. communication       7.  accusation

                            2. duration           5. relation          

                            3. vibration          6.  multiplication    


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 13.11.2023

                      Spelling rule : Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc (Latin in origin).

                           The children will be tested on Friday 17th November.

                              1. scene               4. science            7.  discipline   

                              2. scissors           5. fascinate           

                              3. muscle             6. scenery         


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 20.11.2023

Spelling rule: Words with a hard /k/ sound spelt ch (Greek in origin)

The children will be tested on Friday 24th November.

                                1. stomach               4. Christmas           7. ache

                                2. chorus                 5. character          

                                3. technology           6.  anchor              


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 27.11.2023

Spelling rule: Words that end in -sion sound like /zhun/

 Children will be tested on Friday 1nd December.

                  1.  division            4.  decision          7.  occasion

2.  invasion            5. explosion        

3. confusion          6. television      


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 04.12.2023

 Spelling rule: Words that end in –ture and –sure.

                                     Children will be tested on Friday 8th December.


                                      1.  measure            4.  mixture            7.  departure

                                     2. treasure            5.  adventure        

                                      3. pleasure            6. furniture          


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 11.12.2023 

Spelling rule: Revision of this term’s spelling rules.

                                  Children will be tested on Friday 15th December.

                                       1.  division            4.  mixture             7.  possibly

                                     2. stomach            5.  scissors        

                                    3. pleasure            6.  communication        




