Happy Friday!
Everything you need for todays work is on here AND Purple Mash. There is a fall out of today's timetable below.
As we would usually have PE today, I have copied some links and I do want you to be active. We need to be using our whole bodies, not just fingers and thumbs!
Just like yesterday if there are any issues with 'hand ins' let Miss Butler know. Any other questions, send them to the class email and you shall receive a reply ASAP.
Enjoy your Friday.
Fluent in 5- Week 1 Day 5
You have the sheet in your Home Learning Packs and I have created an improved quiz on Purple Mash (no 0/5 scored today hopefully!)
There are two tasks for you to complete once logged onto Purple Mash. They are both linked to Online Safety.
I know we are quarantining ourselves but that can lead to too much sitting, especially when you have a teacher asking you do work online! So get moving, engage those muscles and get your heart rates up!
Click on the many links below to get yourself moving. Pop your PE kit on if you want. Why not?
Watch the video and complete the work sheet that are in your Home Learning Pack.
Reading Plus Time!
Get yourself comfy, let your lunch digest and read away! We're looking for those 80% and above. Don't forget to use the re-read button!
I have put the questions document on here and on Purple Mash with questions linked to Chapter 3.
You just need to download, edit the document with your answers and then upload back.
Alternatively, download, edit and email it to class email.
Can you please complete the sheet above and send a picture to me.
You do not need to print it! If you could ask the children to recreate the houses and fill the three in with their answers that would be great.
Golden Time/ Shine Time
It would usually be our Shine Time/ Golden Time in our classrooms last thing on a Friday.
So there may be requests and/or negotiations made that mean something golden or shiny can happen. I will leave it with yourselves to come up with something.
Remember to be safe though!
I massively appreciate your patience and support this week. It has been yet another learning experience for us all!
Thankyou again.
Miss Butler