Our Partnership With Parents
We are firmly committed to the view that a close working relationship with parents will benefit your child's education. Furthermore, good communication between home and school contributes to the quality of this partnership.
All schools are required to have a Home School agreement, which promotes a positive and productive partnership, helping parents to support their children and enabling the children to achieve more.
The agreement states:
Both parents and children are invited to sign the document.
Parent Support
We welcome and value parents’ help in school, whether they have a specific talent or skill or can assist with more general activities. Parent involvement can include listening to children read, or accompanying educational visits.
School to Parent Communication
We communicate with parents in a variety of different ways:
Parent to School Communication
Teachers are happy to receive brief messages in the playground at the beginning of the day. We would also like to encourage parents to email the school directly (see home page for email address) or leave a message about their child with the school office. If parents would like a longer discussion with the class teacher or Mrs Farren, they can do so ideally with a mutually convenient pre-organised appointment.