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Healthy Schools

Healthy, Happy Inclusive School

The Drive Community Primary School promotes health and wellbeing of all our pupils and staff.  We understand the role we can play to help children succeed and we support them to be healthy both mentally and physically.

At The Drive we…

  •  know that children experience happy and sad times in their lives.  The staff at our school are sensitive to this and are skilled at working with children who have experienced loss, separation and trauma.
  • provide 1:1 counselling sessions for vulnerable children.
  • support children with Special Educational Needs, making us an inclusive school.
  • support children who are presenting with gaps in their social and emotional development.
  • seek outside expert advice when needed.
  • provide an  intervention hub for children who require support.
  • encourage Physical activity.  Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 PE twice per week as well as 30 minutes structured active time per day. Complete the daily mile.  We enter competitions intra-school and inter-school matches.
  • provide a young leaders program for children in upper Key Stage 2.
  • encourage cycling, scootering and walking to school and provide storage space.
  • promote healthy eating and teach about food and nutrition.
  • provide access to drinking water, children are provided with plastic cups.
  • offer a range of extra-curricular activities and clubs run by staff or outside providers such as gardening club, healthy eating club dance, sports, art, music etc..
  • invite specialists to visit, for example sports coaches.
  • complete risk assessments and take action to ensure the safety of children at all times.
  • follow a clear anti-bullying policy and take incidents seriously.
  • teach children a planned curriculum covering Personal Social Health Education and Sex Education.
  • train children in accident prevention, including road safety, Bike-ability,  swimming lessons and water safety.
  • teach children to respect and value each other.
  • operate a clear behaviour policy and reward  good behaviour  with ‘Dojo’ points and  ‘Shine Time’.
  •  award children with certificates to celebrate  achievements, attendance and Citizenship.
  • take Safe-guarding seriously, a policy is in place and adhered to.
  • encourage children to share concerns and opinions.  We run a playground buddy system and a school council that consults on all areas of school life and are encouraged to act on the decisions they make.
  • provide an attractive, stimulating learning environment.
  • uphold our Citizenship programme which includes gaining the ‘International Schools Award’, celebrating ‘European Day of Languages’, World Book Day’ and have teachers visit from Sweden.
Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

Healthy Eating and Drinking Policy
