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Wednesday 6th January

Daily Timetable


Phonics spellings

I have assigned these spellings on Purple Mash on handwriting lines. If you have finished please put these words into sentences. Remember to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Video link:


For this half term, we are going to be learning facts about farms using the non-fiction flap book The Farm.


This week we are going to create our own flap book writing facts about a different animal each day. See video below.


Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On the front draw a picture of the animal of the day. Inside write all the facts that you have learnt about this animal. Remember to write in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Farm animal: Cows

2 Cow facts.mp4

Still image for this video


For the first day back, see if you can create a short dance using 5 different movements to 30 seconds of the song below:


If you would like me to see, send your efforts via school Facebook or our class email.


Each child will be assigned 2 reading books across the 4 days based on their reading level. Your child will need to read half a book each day. I have uploaded these books onto Purple Mash. 


When finished, please complete 20 minutes of Lexia.
