Hello everyone! We hope you are all well. Usually, around this time, we would be going to the beach together to celebrate the end of Reception year. We are upset that we can't go this year! However, the topic this week is going to based on the theme 'Under the Sea'. One story I have picked to look at is the story of 'The Rainbow Fish'.
Have fun with the home learning and if you need anything then please give us a ring. Thank you, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Arby and Mrs Robson. x
Below are 5 lessons linked to our topic. They have been produced by the National Oak Academy. Each lesson comes with a video and directions to follow. They are great!
Hello everybody! We hope you are all well. Here is some more home learning for this week.
I have included lots of phonics activities and worksheets to download and use since it is very important your child engages with phonics and reading every day.
I want to remind you that by this stage in the Reception year at school, we would be working to support children to achieve the Early Learning Goals. They are as follows:
ELG: Reading
'Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.'
ELG: Writing
'Children use their phonic knowledge to write words
in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.'
ELG: Maths: Number
'Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.'
ELG: Maths: Shape, Space and Measure
'Children use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems. They recognise, create and describe patterns. They explore characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.'
Here is a parent guide for all of the Early Learning Goals and ideas to support at home.
I am conscious that all children are at different stages in their phonics journey. I do want to stress that you should support your child, where they are at, but also try to challenge your child and help them move onto the next stage. For reference, these are the stages children move through in their phonics journey.
Phase 1 (usually Nursery age) - Children learn to listen to and identify environmental and instrumental sounds, explore rhythm and rhyme and work on oral blending (hearing that 'd-o-g' makes 'dog' for example)
In Phase 2, children begin to learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). There are 44 sounds in all. Some are made with two letters, but in Phase 2, children focus on learning the 19 most common single letter sounds. By the end of Phase 2 children should be able to read some vowel-consonant (VC such as 'in', 'it' and 'on') and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC such as 'cat', 'red', 'hot', 'log') words, and to spell them out. They also learn some high frequency ‘tricky words’ like ‘the’ and ‘go.’
Phase 3 introduces children to the remaining, more difficult and/or less commonly used phonemes/ digraphs. There are around 25 of these, depending on which scheme is followed, mainly made up of two letters such as /ch/, /sh/ /ng/, /nk/ and /ee/. We need these sounds to be able to read and form useful words. Alongside this, children are taught to recognise more tricky words, including ‘me,’ ‘was,’ ‘my,’ ‘you’ and ‘they’.
If your child can identify individual letter sounds, challenge your child to read simple words with your support. You can ask them to say each sound on a simple VC or CVC word flashcard such as 'c-a-t' and model how to say each sound quickly to 'hear the blend'.
If your child is beginning to read CVC words, play lots of games using them and use the CVC word flashcards to support your child to read a wide range of words using many different letter sounds.
If your child is confidently reading simple CVC words, try some more challenging CVCC words such as 'frog', 'mask', 'hand', 'tent', 'sink'. You can teach them some of our digraphs such as 'ch' and 'sh' and practice reading words such as 'chop', 'ship', 'shop', 'mash', 'shed' and 'chap'. Also play lots of games with the 'Tricky words' as these are words children need to learn to read on sight since they cannot be read phonetically. I would also encourage you to support your child to read simple sentences and match to pictures. There are plenty of worksheets to support this below.
Here are some worksheets and games/ activities to help support your child engage with their phonics at home, whichever stage they are at
Keep safe and keep learning at home!
Love from Mrs Arby, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Robson x
We hope you are all safe and well and know that we are missing you!
Here is the new home learning for this week. I have changed the format to make the activities more accessible, for both parents and children. There are 3 activity documents, one for Literacy, one for Maths and one for Exploring the World. Please look at each document and explore the activities with your child, reading and explaining each task.
Your child can then choose which 3 activities (1 from each of the Literacy, Maths and Exploring the World documents) they would like to complete each day.
Challenge yourself to complete all 15 activities by the end of the week and don't forget to send us some photos to share your home learning! I will upload some new weekly challenges next week!
Please remember to make time to read and enjoy stories together every day. I cannot stress how important daily shared reading is in fostering a positive attitude towards reading!
Exploring stories together offers so many opportunities for your child to explore letters and simple words, talk about the story structure, predict what might happen next and use the illustrations to aid comprehension
Love Mrs Arby, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Robson x
Attached files to download and print
(please let us know if you want a printed copy to pick up from school)
Here are some activities and resources to support learning at home for the next two weeks. We hope you are all safe and well and enjoying spending time together at home with your families. Let's hope the lovely sunny weather continues : ) Please remember we are happy to print off any of these resources for you if you need them. Just let us know
Take care,
Mrs Arby, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Robson x
At this stage in the year, we would normally be encouraging children to write frequently using their knowledge of phonics to make plausible attempts at words and simple sentences. One of the best ways to do this is to find something which really engages your child and use that to create a writing prompt. It could be something like using your child's interest in Toy Story or Frozen to draw and label a picture. You could encourage your child to write a letter to a favorite relative. Perhaps they could help you to write the shopping list, draw a picture of their family or write a note to a friend.
My Teacher writing challenge to you is to either:
1. Write a letter to a friend you miss and talk about some of the things you have been doing at home since school closed.
2. Write a list of things you would like to do when you come back to school.
We would absolutely love to see your writing so please send us a photo on our facebook page or take a walk to a nearby post box and send it to us!
It would also be great to support your child to engage often in drawing opportunities. Encourage them to add simple labels and captions to their pictures by sounding out the words they want to write. You could also introduce the concept of a speech bubble and think about what their characters might be saying before your child attempts to write it. Remember, the focus is to encourage your child to write, so be enthusiastic and supportive Once they are keen to write, it is easier to help correct spellings and handwriting. It would be helpful to provide an alphabet card to support handwriting and letter formation. I will attach some useful printable alphabet cards to the bottom of this section and a letter formation printable.
Using a variety of mark making materials helps develop the fine motor skills needed to control the muscles in the hands. This development is fundamental to supporting later writing progress.
Since we are at home so much, try to make drawing and mark making fun and if possible, outdoors! Use sticks to draw shapes, letters and numbers in materials such as sand or mud in the garden. Use paintbrushes and water to make 'magic paint' and draw on the pavement. Be amazed when it disappears in the sun! Try making chalk paint, simply by crushing chalk and adding small amounts of water. You could use a toy hammer or a rock to grind the chalk. My little boy found it most effective to stand on the chalk! If you go to the beach, encourage your child to draw a picture in the sand using their fingers. Digging holes and building castles helps children to develop their shoulder muscles which are really important for writing. Playdough and opportunities to simply explore water and sand are also fabulous ways to support development in these areas.
I want to challenge every child and family to enjoy a story together every day for the next 2 weeks.
Enjoying stories together is a wonderful way to promote language development, comprehension and an overall love of reading. Reading familiar stories can be very useful in encouraging children to join in with repeated refrains or songs. Challenge your child to search for and identify different letters and words. Ask them to read simple words by sounding them out. Talk together about the pictures and ask questions to support your child's understanding. Open ended questions such as 'Why do you think that ..." and 'I wonder what might happen next?' are great ways to encourage your child to engage with the story and communicate their knowledge and understanding.
It would be fantastic if children could choose a favorite book and draw a picture or story map. Try to add labels to your characters or picture. Add photos of your work to our facebook page, post it to us or bring it back to school when you return.
To support this reading challenge, I have included some Home Learning packs below for the brilliant Julia Donaldson stories, Stick Man, Zog and Superworm. Some of you may already have these books at home. If not, here are some great read aloud versions of the stories, to watch and enjoy at home , before trying out the home learning activities.
Story Read Aloud Versions
Zog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_LmS3q4E6k
Superworm - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pZwNie69n8
Stickman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3lCfKhsOsY
I have also included 2 RWI books to support reading simple sentences using phonic knowledge. As last time, there is a suggested weekly work plan for completing these on the first sheet which is actually really helpful These reading activities each day should only take no than 15 minutes so please do try and have a go at home if you have time.
You will see there is also a 'Green Words' and a 'Red words' ppt/ PDF. The 'Green words' are phonetically decodable words which your child should practice reading regularly. The 'Red Words' are the high frequency words (words we see a lot when reading such as the, in, and & no for example. If your child is ready to try this out, it would be great to use these words to practice recognizing some of them on sight.
Again, I really want to stress that wherever your child is at in their reading journey, use the activities and adapt them to meet your child's needs. Focus on helping your child to sound out some of the first few green words and continue with this until they are reading them accurately before trying out some of the tricker ones. Don't worry about the red words if your child is not showing readiness for this yet. If all you do is enjoy stories together, you will be achieving so much so please do whatever you can from these suggestions. I just wanted to include these so there are plenty of ideas for the 2 weeks
Simple ideas to try out at home:
1. Word or sound hunt
Using a large piece of paper, write a set of words all over it. Make sure there are 4 or 5 of each word/ sound you are focusing on. You say the sound or word, and they hunt for it, adding a circle around it when they find it! You could try this with the High Frequency words too, or numbers!
2. Word/ Letter Carpark
Using a piece of paper or cardboard, create a carpark. Add letters, CVC words or Sight Words to each space. Add a sticker to each car with the same words. Can your child match the cars to park them? Try saying the sound or word outloud. Can they find the right word car?
3. Magnetic letter sound hunt
If you have some magnetic letters, this is super simple to set up. Just add a baking tray and use a piece of tape to halve the board. Add a selection of letters to one side and challenge your child to find and move a given letter to the other side. This would also work for simple words. Write a word, ask your child to read it and then challenge them to find the sounds they need and build the word!
By now in the year we would usually be focusing on consolidating numbers from 1-20, focusing especially, on the tricker teen numbers. By the end of the EYFS stage, children should be as confident as possible recognizing and naming numbers from 1-20, ordering them correctly and counting out large numbers of objects, accurately, giving each object one number name (and not miscounting).
Your child may already demonstrate confidence and skill in this but playing number games on a regular basis really helps children to gain fluency with these numbers. Start by using numbers your child recognizes to play, to encourage success, before extending the games using numbers 1-10 or 1-15.
Here are some very simple ideas to try at home
1. How fast can you build a number tower?
Use a sharpie to add numbers to duplo or lego blocks. Start with numbers 1-10 or 1-5 if this is where your child is at. It helps to add matching counting dots on the building blocks so your child can check if necessary. Encourage your child to try to build the tower as fast as possible. See if they can beat you!
2. Chalk Number Splat
Write numbers (or letters) on a fence or wall with chalk. Your child can use a wet sponge/ paintbrush or water pistol to splat the number you shout out! Encourage your child to try and write the numbers themselves when you play it the next time!
3. Cheerio number bonds
Choose a number. Write the different ways we can make that number in a spider diagram. Encourage your child to add matching numbers of cheerios to each pair of numbers bonds. The best part is eating them when completed! You can also make this game more challenging by giving your child the number of cheerios. In this photo, the example is six. Challenge them to find all the different ways to make the number 6 and record their ideas using number sums.
4. Number stone towers
Collect rocks on a walk or a trip to the beach. Encourage your child to balance them on top of each other to see how tall they can build a tower. As they play, encourage lots of mathematical discussion. Why are some of the stones easier to balance? How do the stones feel? Can you add one more? How many do you have now? Oh no, one has fallen off, how many do you have left? Challenge your child to draw their tower and add numbers to their picture!
I also came across this great resource below and I think it has lots of really great maths activities and simple lessons to try out at home. It would be really great if you could try some of these activities to help support and develop number sense and fluency. I've added it as both a PDF and PPT to try to make it as accessible as I can online with you
From the end of Spring and across the whole summer term, we would normally cover quite a large range of this maths element of the Early Learning Goals. We would usually teach a week or so on each of the following topics.
Exploring and measuring Distance & Position
Measuring Weight & Height
Exploring Capacity
We would also be working on several other number concepts such as simple addition, subtraction, sharing objects into groups of 2,3,4 & 5. This would then follow into simple doubling and halving problems which we would work on solving using practical objects.
To help support this learning at home, I have some simple ideas below as well as some further resources as documents underneath. There is a really fun lego challenge in the further resources which looks great to work on shape and space at home : )
These are usually concepts which are fun to teach and explore and I hope you enjoy learning at home about them too.
1. Subtraction bowling
Set up 10 paper cups in a bowling alley formation. Roll a small ball from a distance. How many did you knock down? How many are left? You could help your child to work it out by drawing 10 circles on a piece of paper and crossing out the ones they knocked down. Then they can count how many are left. Talk about the number sum. "I see you knocked down 7 pins. That means there are 3 left standing. 10 take away seven equals three left"
2. Make an interesting height chart
Find out the average height of some of your favorite animals. Are you taller then a penguin? Can you find an animal shorter than you? Just how tall is a Flamingo? Model and talk about how we measure height and compare heights as you create the chart.
3. Mystery weight bags.
This is such a fun activity to get your super sleuth on! Fill bags with different objects. Can your child pick up the bags and decide which are heavy and which are light? Which do you think is the lightest? Which is the heaviest? I wonder what could be inside? How many bags can you carry at once? Finally, open the bags and encourage your child to talk about the objects and their weight. They might like to create their own mystery bags after!
Good objects to include could be:
a bag of flour, a bottle of pop, a duplo or lego tower/ piece, some carrots, a bag of crisps, a milk bottle, an apple, a book, a piece of paper, a pencil or pen, a spoon or a pair of shoes.
4. Make your own set of balance scales
Super simple with just some string and a coathanger!
This will definitely need a grown up to help but is a really fun way to create a simple balance scale at home! Explore tying different objects to each side and find out which is heavier and which is lightest. Model and introduce the concept and language first before encouraging your child to try it out themselves and find objects to test. Once they have had time to explore it, ask them to predict which they think is heavier before the add them. Encourage them to explain their thinking.
5. Addition with play dough.
This will need modeling from a grown up when introducing this concept but is a fun and practical way to explore addition. Make three discs of play dough. Explain you are going to add two numbers together. Write out the sum and orally narrate it to help children make sense of the symbols. "four add one more equals what?"
Your child should count out the two numbers being added using small objects and add them under the numbers 4 and 1. Then count out 4 objects and push them into the final play dough disc. Add the final 1 object and count altogether. "four add one more equals 5. There are 5 now". Repeat with different simple addition sums.
6. Make a simple addition number line with a ziplock bag!
I have made these before and they are awesome! Cut a white piece of paper to fit inside the bag. You can draw the number line on either the paper or the outside of the bag with a black felt tip/ sharpie. Use the sliding ziplock toggle to model and practice addition.
'Four add one more. Let's start at the number four. How many are we adding? So we need to move it along one space. We had four. Now we have one more, now we have five". This homemade number line would also be great to practice subtraction!
7. Magic doubles!
This is super easy and so much fun! Fold a piece of paper in half. Explain to your child they are going to be doubling numbers. Choose a number, for example 3, and write it on one side of the folded paper. Ask your child to use paint to make 3 dots above the number. Then the magic happens! Fold the paper together and squash a little. When you open it up, you will have magically doubled your dots! Encourage your child to count how many there are now in total and model the language "double three makes how many? Let's count them altogether, 6!"
Getting out and about on walks and in the garden is so important these days, not only for physical exercise and staying healthy, but to enjoy nature and the outdoors. It helps the weather has been so nice lately! 'Understanding the world' is one of the 7 Areas of the Early Learning Goals and these activities should be fun to try out over the next two weeks
Hello everyone! We hope you are well. We have updated the website with a fresh set of home learning activities for you.
We have loved seeing what you have all been learning about, so please keep posting work on the Facebook page.
Take care,
Mrs Jackson, Mrs Arby and Mrs Robson x
04/05/2020 - Home Learning
Happy Monday everybody! We hope you are all well and we miss you lots! Here are some new activities and home learning for the next two weeks. Please don't feel you need to do all of these, I have just tried to provide a wide range of different activities to cater to the different needs and interests of the class.
If you are able to, please do upload some photos of your work or busy activities at home so we can see what you have been getting up to. Your photos really do brighten up our day : )
For now, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you back at school when it is safe to do so.
Mrs Arby, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Robson x
Here is a simple PPT with all of the phonics sounds. When each letter or digraph appears, encourage your child to say the sound it makes. Trickier sounds are towards the end of the PPT. Please don't worry if your child doesn't know them all, some of these we may not have covered yet in class and were planned to be taught whilst school has been closed. I recommend you go through these sounds every day to support your child to gain fluency in recognizing and saying each letter sound. This is also a great video to watch which shows all the sounds each letter makes. Check it out here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCBzNnSSxds
Phonics books for reading and comprehension
These are some simple phonetically decodable PDF books you can read at home. There is a simple guide at the beginning of each with a suggested outline for working through them. Please don't worry if your child finds them tricky as we have been away from our daily phonics lessons for a while. Just support your child as best you can and encourage them to try their best :)
Some more ideas for practicing literacy at home
Here are some more great ways to keep practicing those reading and writing skills at home : ) Click on the file below to find some more ideas.
Try making a simple alphabet list.
Create simple letter cards for each letter of the alphabet. Encourage your child to think of something beginning with each letter and draw a picture to add underneath the letter it starts with.
Post it letter find!
Create an alphabet sheet. Make about 4 or 5 copies of each letter on post its. Can your child find and match all the post its to the right letter? Talk about the sounds each letter makes and encourage your child to think about words which start with each sound. Please use lowercase letters :)
Maths activities:
Before school closed, we had begun working hard on recognizing, naming and describing the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. These are some great resources to support this area of maths. It is really important your child can describe simple properties of shapes such as 'it has 3 sides, it has 4 corners, it is round, it has straight edges'. There are some great activity sheets underneath the games for you to click on and downloads/ view.
Some really simple but effective games you can play at home are:
Memory Tray: Using some shapes/ cut outs/ drawings, show your child a selection of shapes on the tray. Name each shape and talk about their properties before covering the tray with a tea towel or cloth. Have your child cover their eyes and then take away a shape. The child then checks the shapes left in the tray. Can they guess which shape is missing? How do they know? You can also give clues by describing the properties of the missing shape. Once your child has had a few goes, you can switch places and they can take away the shape! You can also make it harder by taking away 2 shapes!
I'm thinking of a shape: Again, go through a selection of 2D or 3D shapes. Talk about them and describe their properties. Place them out of sight (behind your back or in a bag). Choose one and hide it behind your back. Give clues, e.g. "I'm thinking of a shape, it has 4 straight edges, 2 edges are longer and 2 edges are shorter. It has 4 corners. What shape am I thinking of?" See if your child can guess based on your shape property clues! Once your child has guessed a few, they can take a turn choosing and describing a shape!
Shape hunt: Choose either 2D or 3D shapes. Look at them closely and have your child name and describe their properties. Ask them to close their eyes. You hide the shapes around the room or in the garden. Then your child can find them! Encourage them to name them as they find them. You can also look for shapes on a walk or around your house. Perhaps, create a simple sheet for them to record the number of shapes or draw the items they find. Which shape did they find the most of? Which shape was tricky to find? You could even take photos on a grown up's phone of the shapes they see out and about!
Cup game: You can use this game for many different maths concepts. Here I suggest using shapes but it would be great for practicing numbers too! Gather a selection of paper/ plastic cups or plastic easter eggs. Add shape pictures onto stickers/labels or if using paper cups, simply draw them on. Go through the shapes and practice describing their properties. This is important for later! Ask your child to cover their eyes. Hide a small object (such a small counter/ penny/ a lego) under one of the cups (make sure you note which shape cup you hid it under). When done, ask your child to open their eyes. Describe the shape you hid the object under. Can they find the object based on your description? Take turns hiding the objects and describing the shapes.
Shape/ Number hunt: Draw numbers or shapes on a piece of paper and add it to the bottom of a tray (an oven tray would work well). Cover with salt or sand (please supervise activity closely if using salt). Encourage your child to brush away the salt or sand using a paintbrush. Whats shapes or numbers can they find? Have a separate sheet with the shapes or numbers written on that they can tick off when they find each one). This game would also work well for finding letters of the alphabet!
We planned to look at patterns after learning after shapes. Here are some useful activities to support your child in learning about recognizing, continuing and creating their own patterns at home (I have included both a PDF and PPT version).
Maths in the garden and indoor maths games:
Here are some great ideas for practicing all elements of maths at home.
Learning through nature
Getting out and about on a walk or in the garden is a wonderful opportunity for exercise and exploration, especially at this difficult time. Nature Detectives from the Woodland Trust website have a huge range of fabulous activities. I have selected some which I think would be great for this time of year and also some which fit into our current theme about Growth. You can also check out their website for more activities if you are interested!
Songs and movement
Here are some of our favourite action and number songs which we love to sing along to in class. Have fun trying them out at home! Just click on the name of the song and it should direct you to the youtube video :)
Guided Dance 'The Fight song'
Cosmic Yoga (perfect for a cool down or calm time) - The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Cosmic Yoga - Frozen
Gymnastics 'Never give up' video (brilliant for thinking about perseverance)
Hello everyone! We hope you are all well. Thank you for your messages on our new Facebook page, seeing the work you have done has cheered us all up! We miss you all lots!
The topic for summer term is going to be all about 'growing and changing'. The tadpoles are changing everyday and we will keep you updated with how they are growing. We have provided you with a home learning plan (similar to what we would use in school) to keep you going with resources for the next two weeks. Please continue to use Numbots (I am very impressed with how you are all doing online!) and also please keep practicing your letter sounds everyday. For now, stay safe and hopefully we will be back together soon!
Mrs Jackson, Mrs Robson and Mrs Arby x
Dear children and parents/ carers,
We miss you all so much! School is a strange place without all of your lovely faces. We hope you are well and enjoying spending some quality time with your family at home.
We have added some new activities for learning at home below. We hope you enjoy trying out some of these ideas! We would love to see what you are getting up to at home so please do send us some photos or upload them onto our new facebook page.
Please stay safe,
Mrs Arby and Mrs Jackson
White Rose are providing home learning maths activities for Reception - they're interactive and simple to use. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. Please clink on the link to get started. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
PE- Cosmic Kids Yoga
Cosmic Kids have uploaded some great online videos that develop movement and basic skill. It is important that we keep active as much as possible and these videos will really help.
Phonics-Mr T Phonics (Geraldine the Giraffe) 23/3/20
Watch Mr T as he teaches and introduces new sounds. They are great videos which can be followed to help consolidate learning. It would be a good idea to introduce a sound a day, and repeat frequently. Your letter cards could be used as well alongside!
Day 1: s
Day 2: a
Day 3: t
Day 4: p
Day 5: i
Please see the attached link below. White Rose Maths have produced maths challenges for children and adults to complete together. You can watch the lesson, and follow the activity afterwards. There are 3 activities in total to complete, so aim to complete all of the activities this week.