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British Values

What are 'British Values'?

Schools have been asked to explain how they promote British values.


So what are ‘British’ values?


There are certain values that have been attributed to being British by the government and some institutions, and these fall into the following broad areas:


  • Democracy
  • The Rule of Law
  • Individual Liberty
  • Acceptance, Understanding & Respect.


How do we promote 'British Values' in The Drive?

At The Drive Primary School, P.S.H.E., assemblies, celebration weeks (for example, Online Safety, Mental Health, Interfaith)  encompasses a range of opportunities for children to develop themselves in a well-balanced way, beyond the academic, and to move from childhood through to adult life with support and guidance. This will encourage both an awareness of others and the growth of responsible independence. Through this, children can develop the confidence, talents and skills, to become effective individuals, motivated learners and active citizens.


Each week, two children from every class is awarded a 'Shine Award'. These awards are linked to our COJOS Respect Curriculum - Respect, empathy, self-awareness, passion and positivity, excellence, communication and teamwork. 
