Welcome to Reception!
This Autumn term, we are going to have lots of fun learning all about Autumn, Diwali and other exciting topics! If you have noticed that your child has a current interest in play, then please let the grown-ups in Reception know. If you need any further information then please speak to Mrs Jackson or Mrs Hunter and they will be happy to help you.
Some important things to remember:
-Spellings and Reading Book Bags need to be brought in on a Friday. They will go out again on the following Monday.
-Our PE day is on Tuesday. Your child can come to school dressed in their PE kit.
We currently use Tapestry for our Online Learning Journey. It is a great tool! Please download the app, and ask Mrs Jackson for a permission slip so you can have access to your child's journey in school. You can also add your own observations, and inform us of all the fun things you do at home!