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Summer Term

Year 4 Spellings for w/c 15.04.2024

Spelling rule: ough spelling

Children will be tested on Friday 19th April


1. though            4. enough             7. cough

2. through          5. tough               8. fought

3. thought          6. rough              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 22.04.2024

Spelling rule: /u/ sound spelt ou

Children will be tested on Friday 26th April


1. young               4. trouble              7. courage

2. cousin              5. couple                8. enough

3. double             6. country              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 29.04.2024

Spelling rule: Homophones and near homophones

Children will be tested on Friday 3rd May


1. piece                 4. heal                 7. scene

2. peace                5. main                8. seen

3. heel                  6. mane               



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 06.05.2024

Spellings from Year 4 word list.

Children will be tested on Friday 10th May


1. promise                4. strange               7. knowledge

2. purpose               5. strength              8. height

3. special                 6. surprise              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 13.05.2024

Spellings from Year 4 word list

Children will be tested on Friday 17th May


1. island                   4. minute              7. natural

2. opposite               5. straight           8. experiment

3. regular                 6. heart              



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 20.05.2024

Spellings from Year 4 word list.

Children will be tested on Friday 24th May


1. peculiar              4. accidentally      7. describe

2. calendar             5. believe             8. enough

3. actually              6. consider          



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 03.06.2024

 Spellings from Year 4 word list.

  Children will be tested on Friday 7th June

1. February             4. heard                 7. length

2. forward              5. knowledge          8. increase

3. grammar              6. guard         



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 10.06.2024

Spellings from Year 4 word list.

 Children will be tested on Friday 14th June

1. earth                  4.  pressure              7. weight

2. quarter               5. purpose                8. therefore

3. separate             6. medicine             



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 17.06.2024

Words with the sound 'sh' that are spelt with 'ch'.

  * More words from the statutory Year 4 spelling list.

Children will be tested on Friday 21st June


1.  brochure               4.  chef             *7. information

2. parachute              5.  mustache     *8. early

3. machine                *6.  surprise      


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 24.06.2024

 More words from the statutory Year 4 spelling list. 

 Children will be tested on Friday 28th June


1.  shoulder              4.   thirty             7. history

2. bruise                  5.   recent            8. learn

3. excellent              6.   arrive           


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 03.07.2024

 More words from the statutory Year 4 spelling list. 

 Children will be tested on Friday 5th July

1.  rough                4. thumb                   7. disagree

2. receive              5. practice                8. anchor

3. surprise             6. stomach               



Year 4 Spellings for w/c 08.07.2024

 More words from the statutory Year 4 spelling list. 

Children will be tested on Friday 12th July


1.  rough                4. thumb                   7. disagree

2. receive              5. practice                8. anchor

3. surprise             6. stomach               


Year 4 Spellings for w/c 15.07.2024

More words from the statutory Year 4 spelling list. 

Children will be tested on Friday 19th July


1.  rough                4. thumb                  

2. receive              5. practice               

3. surprise            



