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Maths - Your child should be practising their number skills on the White Rose 1 Minute Maths app. We recommend short sessions of 2-3 minutes at a time.

Overall, about 8-10 minutes a week.


Spellings – These are stuck in your child’s contact book on Monday to be taken home and learned. They are also on our website in Classes -Year 1.


Reading and Contact Books

Reading is so important for the development of your child and is key to learning. With this in mind, we encourage you to read as much with your child as possible. This could be through reading stories with them, or to them as part of your bedtime routine.


‘Reading is food for the mind and soul’


Please ensure that reading and contact books are returned to school every Friday so they can be checked and changed for Monday. Please comment in the reading record to show that your child has read at home.


If you have any questions regarding the homework, please contact school or email Miss Walters

